WWE No Way Out 2012: CM Punk (c) VS Daniel Bryan VS Kane [WWE Championship] | Page 5

Yeah, AJ's kind of won over Kane. In reality, what would you want? control of a Near 7' Behemoth capable of Crazy, mental, absurd Destruction OR To be controlled by a wee guy.

Yes, WWE is making it look like she's just toying with Kane, but what if maybe, Just MAYBE, the two Crazies are together on this? Kane's known for being a monster, but not Dumb. He's shown how cold and calculating he can be.

She's openly supporting punk, and punking out Kane, Making Bryan her obvious choice to back up at NWO, But I'm thinking the Monster's last "Thank you" run Starts this coming Sunday, courtesy of Miss AJ. Now I just need to hear her call Kane "Mr. K" and refer to Bryan as "B-Man" and my Harley Quinn vision of her is complete!
